
Introduction to ScrollKeeper

The ScrollKeeper package contains a cataloging system for documentation. This is useful for managing documentation metadata and providing an API to help browsers find, sort and search the document catalog.

Package information

ScrollKeeper dependencies

Installation of ScrollKeeper

Install ScrollKeeper by running the following commands:

./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc \
    --localstatedir=/var --disable-static \
/opt/kde-3.3.2/share/omf:/opt/gnome-2.8/share/omf &&
make &&
make install

Command explanations

--sysconfdir=/etc: This switch puts the configuration files in /etc instead of /usr/etc.

--localstatedir=/var: This switch puts ScrollKeeper's database directory in /var/lib/scrollkeeper.

--disable-static: This switch prevents the static library from being built.

--omfdirs=...: This switch defines the locations of OMF files for ScrollKeeper. This information is stored in /etc/scrollkeeper.conf and can be updated manually, if necessary.

Configuring ScrollKeeper

Config files


Configuration Information

The configuration file sets the OMF_DIR variable to the location of all of the omf directories in the system. This was set in the configure command so no futher action is needed until another OMF file is created.


The ScrollKeeper package contains the libscrollkeeper library, utility programs and scripts.


ScrollKeeper library

The libscrollkeeper library provides the API necessary for help browsers to interact with documentation written to utilize ScrollKeeper.

Utility programs and scripts

The utility programs and scripts are for performing installation, building, getting and updating table of contents files.

Last updated on 2005-01-05 08:10:50 -0700