
This chapter includes applications that create output equivalent to typesetting.


Introduction to TeX

TeX is a typesetting package, able to create documents in a variety of formats. The optional texmfsrc TAR ball contains source code for packages that are contained in the texmf TAR ball, including the docstrip sources.

Package information

Additional Downloads

Required macros and fonts
Optional texmf sources:

Installation of TeX

Before building TeX, the macros and fonts package (texmf tarball) must be installed. Install the macros and fonts using the following commands as the root user:

install -v -d -m755 /usr/share/texmf &&
gzip -dc ../tetex-texmf-2.0.2.tar.gz \
    | (umask 0; cd /usr/share/texmf; tar -xf -)

If the optional texmf source code TAR ball was downloaded, untar it now as the root user:

gzip -dc ../tetex-texmfsrc-2.0.2.tar.gz \
    | (umask 0; cd /usr/share/texmf; tar -xf -)

Install TeX by running the following commands:

patch -Np1 -i ../tetex-src-2.0.2-flex-1.patch &&
patch -Np1 -i ../tetex-src-2.0.2-remove_readlink-1.patch &&
./configure --with-x=no --prefix=/usr \
    --without-texinfo --with-system-ncurses --with-system-zlib \
    --exec-prefix=/usr --bindir=/usr/bin &&
make all

Now, as the root user:

make install &&
texconfig dvips paper letter &&
texconfig font rw


The paper size may be changed to a4, as is used in most countries.

Installation command explanations

--with-x=no: This switch will avoid any X Window dependencies. TeX can be compiled with X Window support, notably for xdvi. If this is desired, remove this configure option.

--exec-prefix=/usr --bindir=/usr/bin: These switches ensure that TeX binaries are installed in /usr/bin.

--without-texinfo: A default LFS installation already has the Texinfo package installed; this switch will avoid overwriting it with the included Texinfo package.

--with-system-ncurses: This switch specifies using the already installed libncurses library.

--with-system-zlib: LFS systems starting with version 4.0 have Zlib installed as part of the base operating system; this switch avoids building it here.

texconfig dvips paper letter: This command sets the default paper size for TeX.

texconfig font rw: This command specifies writable fonts.


Installed Programs: 101 separate binaries and scripts along with 37 symlinks to these programs.
Installed Library: libkpathsea.a
Installed Directory: /usr/share/texmf

Short Descriptions

TeX programs

included in the TeX package are too numerous to individually list. Please refer to file:///usr/share/texmf/doc/index.html for details, as well as a tour of the expansive TeX documentation.


contains functions used by TeX for searching and cataloging path names.