
The various pages and directories of the LFS website are listed below. They are sorted by project and alphabetically. Files are listed first, followed by directories.


Common Pages

/contribute.html | How to Contribute.
/credits.html | Credits and Acknowledgements.
/index.html | Main Page.
/mail.html | Mailing Lists for the LFS Projects.
/mirrors.html | Mirrors for the LFS Website.
/news.html | General Project News.
/search.html | Search the LFS Website.
/support.html | General Support for all LFS Projects.

/external-scripts/ | External Scripts for Mirrors.
/faq/ | General FAQ.

Linux From Scratch

/lfs/download.html | Download the LFS Books and Packages.
/lfs/LFS-EDITORS-GUIDE.html |  The LFS Editor's Guide.
/lfs/faq.html | The LFS-Specific FAQ.
/lfs/index.html | Main LFS Project Page.
/lfs/news.html | LFS Project News.
/lfs/read.html | Read the LFS Book Online.

/lfs/advisories/ | 
/lfs/build-logs/ | 
/lfs/downloads/ | Download LFS Books in Various Formats.
/lfs/errata/ | LFS Errata.
/lfs/view/ | Read LFS Online.

Beyond Linux From Scratch

/blfs/developers.html | Getting Involved with BLFS.
/blfs/download.html | Download the BLFS Books and Packages.
/blfs/faq.html | The BLFS-Specific FAQ.
/blfs/index.html | Main BLFS Project Page.
/blfs/news.html | BLFS Project News.
/blfs/read.html | Read the BLFS Book Online.

/blfs/downloads/ | Download BLFS Books in Various Formats.
/blfs/view/ | Read BLFS Online.

Automated Linux From Scratch

/alfs/documentation.html |  ALFS Documentation and Guides.
/alfs/download.html | Download ALFS.
/alfs/index.html | Main ALFS Project Page.
/alfs/news.html | ALFS Project News.


/hints/adoptahint.html | Adopt a Hint.
/hints/download.html | Hints Locations.
/hints/howtowrite.html | How to write a hint.
/hints/index.html | Main Hints Project Page.
/hints/news.html | Hints Project News.
/hints/read.html | Hints List.

/hints/downloads/ | Hints Directory.


/patches/index.html | Main Patches Project Page.
/patches/news.html | Patches Project News.
/patches/package-1.0-sample4patch.patch | Sample Patch.
/patches/submit.html | Patches Submission Guidelines.

/patches/blfs/ | BLFS-Related Patches.
/patches/downloads/ | All Patches.
/patches/lfs/ | LFS-Related Patches.

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